IT all Begins, At the cellular level

MY Favorites.

  • DMK Enzyme Therapy

    My signature treatment, and one I hold close to my heart. Many skin conditions are a result of disharmony within the skin’s function, enzyme therapy comes in to restore homeostasis within the cells by working with the cardiovascular system & lymphatic pathways. In turn, we get oxygenation, detoxification & lymphatic drainage along with many other benefits. Overtime, we are able to re-educate the skin at a cellular level and instigate long term life changing results. This is always my first recommendation for those dealing with active conditions like acne, scarring, aging, pigmentation, eczema & psoriasis + more.

  • DMK Muscle Banding

    Your skin and muscles have DNA memory. Lifting weights at the gym causes a contraction, which increases circulation & oxygenation to eventually build firmer, stronger muscle tissue. Muscle banding is the exact same way by contracting muscles, tightening the skin & strengthening tissues. Once it is applied, motor neurons start firing along the muscle fibers. More neurons fired = stronger muscle. There is also a heat factor, that aids in opening the circulatory & lymphatic pathways. This gives a reverse osmosis effect, a back flushing of the cells that clears toxins, dead cell material & stagnant blood flow. Think of it like a workout for your face and a spring clean for the cells in your body. Lift. Tone. Strengthen. Sculpt.

  • collagen Induction Therapy

    An effective, minimally invasive skin procedure to address signs of aging, acne scars and pigmentation. Creates thousands of tiny, controlled micro-injuries to the skin which initiates the formation of new collagen. Over time it improves surface texture and overall appearance of the skin. Immediately followed with dmk enzyme therapy to rebuild the skin, boost results and speed up the healing time.

  • Skin By Mars Custom Facial

    My custom facials are nothing but result driven and tailored to your skin’s needs. We have the opportunity to reach for anything that will benefit your skin at that time. From dermaplaning, to extractions, to ice globes. We will continue to be progressive with the skin, reeducating it to our desired results. Using dermatological strength skincare & ingredients that match our bodies natural chemistry. We imitate nature to get a natural result.